No valid database connection Subquery returns more than 1 row SQL=SELECT jc.introtext, (SELECT jfc.`value`
FROM `jos_jf_content` AS jfc WHERE reference_id=jc.`id` AND reference_table='content'
AND jfc.language_id=1 AND jfc.published=1 AND reference_field = 'introtext') as 'translated'
FROM `jos_magazine_articletypes` as jt, `jos_magazine_articles_details` as ja
LEFT JOIN `jos_content` as jc on = ja.article_id
WHERE = ja.article_type
AND jt.description = 'TitoloHTML'
AND jc.state = 1
AND ja.published = 1
AND jt.published = 1
AND ja.article_id_parent = 477
La terapia dolce dell’arricchimento ambientale – The gentle therapy of environmental enrichment
La terapia dolce dell’arricchimento ambientale – The gentle therapy of environmental enrichment
published in July - December 2015 - pH - issue n.2
Alessandro Sale, Nicoletta Berardi
Alessandro Sale, Nicoletta Berardi
How much of what we are, our personality, behaviour, affections, emotions, is strictly determined by genetic information coded by our DNA, and how much is instead dependent on our interactions with the external world, shaped by our private and subjective sensory experience?